Shipping Confidently with regular and expedited service.
Many individuals and small businesses find it convenient to package their goods or personal items in Lowes corrugated shipping boxes. Whether you are getting ready to relocate need a reliable courier service to move your goods send large items via courier, ShipCanada™ specialises in shipping Home Depot Boxes to and from all points in Canada and the U.S.A. The boxes from this large retailer can come in single or double corrugated format and range from Small to Extra Large. One important point to consider when using any "Department Store" shipping boxes, is that they should be reinforced along their outer seams to prevent splitting in transit.
ShipCanada advises all customers to apply a generous amount of packing tape around each piece as it helps to prevent the damage to the packaging while moving along the conveyor systems at the various distribution centers. It is also highly recommended that each label is completely covered in transparent tape (to allow for reading).
Efficient Shipping Solutions.
ShipCanada™ also has the technology to quickly calculate the safest & most cost efficient method for shipping your boxes. For example, some shipments in excess of 10 units may be better suited to move while consolidated on pallets with curbside delivery.
For freight that is absolutely time sensitive (meaning hours) we offer air freight service. Give us a call. We can get the job done. Call or email us today for a freight quote. Our Customer Service Line is: 1-888-308-4872.
Our network offers daily Service To and From most North American Cities.
Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Nova Scotia Newfoundland Ontario Quebec Prince Edward Island Saskatchewan
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming .
You can also feel free to visit our online Shipping School for help with terminology and definitions. Our agents are equipped to assist you with all aspects of the shipping process. Once your shipment is is in transit you can also track the customs clearance status by visiting our customs portal and locating the appropriate customs broker.
Get A Shipping Quote
Let our team manage your shipment from start to finish!
ShipCanada™ processes more quote requests across more shipping lane combinations than any other Canadian logistics company. Whether you are shipping Parcel , LTL freight, or Flatbed freight....We have you covered!
We know our customers are busy and on the move. ShipCanada makes managing your shipment easy by giving you the ability to manage your shipment on your desktop or mobile device.
Once you print 3 copies of the shipping label (or bill of lading); affix one to the shipment, give one to the driver upon pickup & keep one for yourself. Once your shipment is in transit your logistics coordinator will provide you with tracking so you can keep an eye on your shipment until final delivery.